Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekender - Lush, Borough Market, Profiteroles, The Hunger Games

This weekend was so busy!! Here are some pictures I snapped along the way, let's start with the Lush Think Pink bath ballistic, which is what I started my Saturday with!

This was the last of the three bath bombs I got for Christmas, and while it didn't smell particularly fragrant nor was it soothing, it definitely had visual appeal. The flowers on it are so gorge! And when it fizzles in the water, tiny little pink hearts come out!

If you've read my previous post, then you'll know our shower is not working at the moment (hence the bath) so after Think Pink I headed down to see the one and only Hair Jesus to get my hair done. My oh my did I love those sleek waves! 

After that it was off to London Bridge to catch up with an old friend. The sunset that day was GORGE. I passed through Borough Market as well, the smells coming from there were so delicious!!! 

I think this is the Needle. Meant to be the tallest building in Europe...

Sunday was full of morning/early afternoon sunshine and we met up with some friends at a bistro/cafe for lunch!  

Profiteroles *drool*. 

Last but not least is the Hunger Games. I started reading this this morning because so many bloggers/Youtubers love it and I wanted to see what the fuss is about. So far so good, DEFINITELY better than When God Was A Rabbit (which I'm still getting through! *snore*). It's definitely a thrilling edge-of-your-seat kinda read! Xx


  1. Great hair, and hearty bath-pretty. I've been considering reading the hunger games for a while now, but thought it a bit weird. Most books are! Might have to give it a go next xx

    1. aw cheers hun! I've gotten SO into the Hunger Games now! The plot is quite disturbing I agree but the suspense is so thrilling haha
      u won't be bored ;)! Xx
